Unite Photo Opportunity - City Rally to Fight for Fair Access to Local Construction Jobs

By Prne, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LIVERPOOL, England - When: 10.00 am, Saturday 21st March 2009

- Where: Myrtle Parade/Bedford Street, Liverpool (see below)

Hundreds of unemployed construction workers from across the North West
will rally in Liverpool city centre on Saturday 21st March calling for fair
access to jobs on UK engineering and construction projects.

Unite is leading the fight to stop the growing problem of UK workers
being refused work from important engineering and construction projects in
the UK. The union believes there should be a level playing field for workers
who wish to apply for work on UK construction contracts. It also calls for
overseas workers to be paid agreed UK rates.

Unite has organised a demonstration as part of its ongoing campaign, “UK
workers want fair access to UK construction projects.” Speakers at the rally
will include Unite National Officer, Tommy Hardacre, along with Unite
Regional Secretary, Kevin Coyne.

Ahead of the rally, Unite National Officer, Tommy Hardacre said: “We are
calling on all construction workers to get involved in this rally so we can
send a powerful message to employers that as a union we will not stand by and
let rogue employers exclude UK workers from applying for jobs to build
British power stations. Neither will we keep quiet when employers exploit
workers regardless of their nationality and attack the terms and conditions
of our members.

“Without the protection of our national agreements, workers will continue
to be exploited on these sites. We need to protect these agreements and it is
time the government set the standards for all workers in the construction

Unite is calling on the government to insist that companies applying for
contracts on public infrastructure projects to sign up to Corporate Social
Responsibility agreements which commit to fair access for UK labour.

Last month a deal was reached at Lindsey oil refinery offering more than
100 new jobs for UK workers. The Isle of Grain and Staythorpe have been the
focus of demonstrations by workers refused access to work at the power
stations. Unite is organising a further demonstration at the Isle of Grain
power station on March 24th.

Notes to Editor

The march will commence at 10.30 am on Saturday 21st March.

Assemble Myrtle Parade/Bedford Street South, Liverpool at 10.00 am and
march via Hardman Street, Renshaw Street, Lime Street, William Brown Street
and finish at St. George’s Hall plateau with a rally.

Source: Unite the Union

For further information please contact Karen Viquerat on +44(0)1704-546-500 or +44(0)7768931316

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