Home Dining Fans Invited to Show Off Table-Dressing Skills

By British Glass, PRNE
Sunday, February 13, 2011

SHEFFIELD, England, February 14, 2011 - A new online search to find Europe's best-dressed table has been
launched. Fans of popular TV series such as Channel 4's Come Dine With Me and
anyone who loves to entertain at home, can now put their table-dressing
skills to the test and win a prize for their efforts.

Visitors to the www.friendsofglass.com/glassaddsclass website are
being invited to upload a picture of how they set their table. The picture
that wins the most votes from visitors to the site by 15th March 2011 wins a
fabulous decor gift voucher worth GBP250.

Rebecca Cocking, UK spokeswoman for Friends of Glass, the group behind
the competition, says: "Not everyone gets the chance to take part in a TV
show, but anyone can demonstrate their table-dressing skills and enter our
competition. It's so easy to enter and really fun to do. Also, by browsing
the entries, you'll be able to get some great new ideas for free too."

Friends of Glass is a consumer group created by the European glass
container industry in 2009 to promote the right for consumers to choose food
and drink products in glass. Over 70% of UK shoppers say they want to still
buy certain foods in glass packaging but struggle find it in-store. On the
topic of taste, glass wins hands-down compared with other materials. Research
by the group has shown that 62% of people prefer to drink from a glass, with
82% favouring to drink white wine and 74% to drink red wine from a glass too.

Friends of Glass also promotes the health and recycling benefits of
glass. Its most recent campaign is 'Nothing to Hide', so called because glass
is 100% pure packaging material with nothing added. It is the only material
that doesn't need an added chemical layer to protect food and drink. The
campaign was launched in twelve European countries including the UK and has
gained thousands of supporters.

Notes to Editors:

1. The Nothing to Hide campaign was launched in the UK by TV presenter
Julia Bradbury on 5.10.10. www.nothingisgoodforyou.co.uk provides
consumers with the latest information about the benefits of glass for their

2. The European Glass Packaging Survey (Sept 2010) by TNS was conducted
in 19 countries. Respondents were aged 18 and older and represented a
cross-section of each country's population.

3. Friends of Glass was created by the European Container Glass
Federation (FEVE) in response to a survey commissioned by FEVE which found
that 74% of European consumers prefer glass packaging for their food and
drinks. www.friendsofglass.com

4. The British Glass Manufacturer's Confederation is a member of FEVE. It
represents the interests of all sectors of the glass industry in the UK.

For further information, please contact: Amanda Barry-Hirst, ABH PR on +44(0)7860-313576 or +44(0)1869-819985, Rebecca Cocking, British Glass on +44(0)114-290-1850

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