New Survey Highlights the Significant Impact of the Economic Downturn on Europe’s Sleep

By Prne, Gaea News Network
Thursday, March 19, 2009

COPENHAGEN - On Average a Quarter of Europeans Surveyed From UK, Portugal, France,
Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland Claim Worsening Quality of Sleep
Thanks to the Economy(1)

- Portuguese are Most Affected, With 42% Making the Admission, Compared
to 17% of the UK(1)

- 66% of European Adults on Average Have Experienced Problems Sleeping
Over the Last 12 Months, but Only 19% of These Have Visited the Doctor(1)

- Debilitating Next-Day Side Effects Associated With Sleep Deprivation
Could be Costing Europe Billions of Euros, Increasing Traffic Accidents and
Seriously Impacting on the Health and Well Being of Those Affected

Lundbeck today announced the results of a new sleep survey of
6,694 Europeans (aged 18+) across seven countries to mark the second annual
World Sleep Day, which falls today, 20th March. World Sleep Day is an
international event organised by the World Association of Sleep Medicine
(WASM) and is aimed at raising awareness of the burden and impact of sleep
disorders. The survey was conducted online by YouGov.

Of the 66% of Europeans in these 7 countries who have experienced sleep
problems over the past 12 months, on average nearly half have experienced
poor concentration during the next day, one in five feel their work has been
affected and 68% suffered from sleepiness during the day1. Not only do
next-day side effects from poor quality (non-restorative) sleep have a
serious impact on an individual’s health and well-being, they also create a
significant burden on society. While little information is available about
the direct and indirect cost of sleep problems in Europe, in the US it is
estimated that insomnia costs society up to $107 billion a year(2).

Through World Sleep Day, WASM is also highlighting the dangers of drowsy
driving, caused by people suffering next day effects of sleep problems. WASM
claims that improved diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders could help to
cut fatal or serious road traffic accidents by up to one third(3).

“This survey highlights that despite the availability of a broad range of
treatment options for the significant number of people across Europe
suffering from sleep problems, very few people are seeking support from their
doctor,” said Professor Colin Espie, Professor of Clinical Psychology
Director, University of Glasgow Sleep Research Laboratory . “There is no need
for people to suffer in silence when lifestyle changes and treatments such as
cognitive behavioural therapies and medications can all help to tackle sleep

Interestingly, the survey reveals that Polish adults are the
worst affected with sleep problems, with over three quarters (76%)
experiencing difficulties sleeping over the last 12 months, compared to just
57% of UK adults. It’s also not good news for European women who on average
suffer from more sleep problems than their male counterparts (73% of women
vs. 59% of men)(1).

As demonstrated by this survey, sleep habits and patterns are
different throughout Europe, and reported sleep quality differs from nation
to nation. No clear reason exists why some nations sleep better than others;
however some links have been made to cultural behaviours and differences
towards sleep.

“Sleep disorders affect some 238 million people worldwide. In
the US alone, almost 60 million complain of insomnia(4),” said Executive Vice
President Anders Gersel Pedersen, Head of Drug Development at Lundbeck.
“Sleep is a basic human need and is as important as eating or drinking. A
lack of sleep or poor quality sleep leads to long and short-term health

In the short-term, people with the most common sleep disorder,
insomnia, suffer from poor alertness, impaired efficiency, difficulty in
concentrating and excessive daytime sleepiness(5). They also suffer from
increased irritability and mood swings that can have a negative impact on
relationships(6). In the longer term, there are a number of serious health
implications that can be linked to sleep disorders and insomnia, including
depression and anxiety, obesity, glucose intolerance leading to type 2
diabetes, weakened immune system, heart attacks, stroke and falls(7,8,9).

Notes to Editors

About the Survey

The survey polled a total of 6,694 adults (18+). Total sample
sizes were 2194 adults in the UK, 1000 in Germany, France and Poland, and 500
in Czech Republic, Hungary and Portugal. Fieldwork was undertaken between
29th January and 10th February 2009. The figures have been weighted and are
representative of all adults (aged 18+) in each individual country. All
figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Where ‘European
adults’ have been referenced, an average figure was taken from all 7

A breakdown of the survey results can be requested from the
contact provided above.

About World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day is an annual event to raise awareness of the importance
of sleep for good health. This year’s slogan is ‘Drive alert, arrive safe’.
The event is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World
Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) and aims to lessen the burden of sleep
problems on society through better prevention and management of sleep
disorders. Lundbeck is a gold sponsor of World Sleep Day 2009.

About Lundbeck

H. Lundbeck A/S, gold sponsor of World Sleep Day is an international
pharmaceutical company engaged in the research and development, production,
marketing and sale of drugs for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological
disorders. In 2008, the company’s revenue was DKK 11.3 billion (approximately
EUR 1.5 billion or USD 2.2 billion). The number of employees is approximately
5,300 globally. For further information, please visit

In support of World Sleep Day, Lundbeck is undertaking insomnia awareness
activities in countries across the world and has launched to provide more information to patients suffering from
insomnia. Additional information along with video footage is also available


1. Data on file. YouGov sleeping problems survey. All figures unless
otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Fieldwork undertaken between 29th
January - 10th February 2009.

2. Reeder CE, Franklin M, Bramley TJ. Current landscape of insomnia in
managed care. Am J Manage Care 2007; 13(Suppl 5): S112-6

3. Department for Transport, Sleep related vehicle accidents.
accidentsno22?page=2 . Last accessed 18/12/08

4. Neurotech Insights. The neurotechnology industry newsletter. February
2009. Volume 5: 2

5. Ohayon MM et al. Correlates of global sleep satisfaction in the
psychiatric diagnosis categories. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2002; 56: 239-240

6. Pilcher JJ. Sleep quality versus sleep quantity: relationships between
sleep and measures of health, well-being and sleepiness in college students.
J Psychosom Res. 1997; 42(6): 583-96

7. Taheri S, Lin L, Austin D et al. Short sleep duration is associated
with elevated ghrelin, reduced leptin and increased body mass index. PLoS Med
2004; 1(3): e62

8. Gottlieb DJ, Punjabi NM, Newman AB et al. Association of sleep time
with diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance. Arch Intern Med 2005;
165(8): 863-7

9. Gumustekin K, Seven B, Karabulut N et al. Effects of sleep
deprivation, nicotine and selenium on wound healing in rats. Neurosci 2004;
114: 1433-1442

For further media information, please contact:

Mani Reel at The Red Consultancy on +44(0)20-7025-6584 or email

Mads Kronborg, Communication Specialist, Corporate Communication,
Lundbeck on +45-3643-2851 or email

Source: H. Lundbeck A/S

Mani Reel at The Red Consultancy on +44(0)20-7025-6584 or email, mani.reel at; Mads Kronborg, Communication Specialist, Corporate Communication, Lundbeck on +45-3643-2851 or email mavk at

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