Scientific Pioneer Lectures on AcceleDent Science in Key United Kingdom Orthodontic Venues

By Orthoaccel Technologies Inc., PRNE
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HOUSTON, November 18 - OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc., developers of the AcceleDent System
(, which is an acceleration device to enhance
orthodontics, announced that Jeremy J. Mao, DDS, PhD
(, Chairman of its
Scientific Advisory Board, just completed a lecture tour in the United
, where he was invited to give three presentations over three days at
three separate venues. AcceleDent is a simple, removable dental device that
patients wear in the mouth for twenty minutes daily to accelerate orthodontic
tooth movement. The first case in private practice
with-acceledent/) was initiated last month in the United Kingdom.


The content of the UK lectures was focused on the biological basis for
accelerating tooth movement that AcceleDent delivers as a benefit.
"Interestingly, these scientific principles have been used for decades in
orthopaedic applications, with long bones, for example," explained Dr. Mao.
"Regulating the biology of bone tissue with vibrational force is actually
nothing new, although OrthoAccel represents the first development toward an
orthodontic benefit."

Dr. Mao's visits in the UK included two prestigious academic institutions
and one annual conference. The lectures were given at the King's Dental
Institute at King's College London (, the
Eastman Dental Institute at the University College London
(, and the British Orthodontic Society's
( 2009 Orthodontic Specialist Group annual meeting
which was held at The Royal College of Physicians in London.

Mike Kaufman, VP Marketing for OrthoAccel commented, "We are very excited
about Dr. Mao's podium lectures to help us continue establishing credibility
for this exciting new product in one of our most important markets."

Dr. Mao is the original inventor of the core OrthoAccel technology. When
OrthoAccel was formed in 2007, he was recognized with the prestigious Iwao
Award for his discoveries in mechanical modulation of skeletal growth,
among other areas. It represents the highest honor given by the Society for
Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine ( to an
individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of
biomedical research.

In his lecture series, Dr. Mao challenged, "Don't think like an
orthodontist; think like an engineer for a moment. We move teeth with forces.
A physical force has five fundamental properties: magnitude, direction, point
of application, duration, and frequency." Regarding the introduction of
AcceleDent which applies vibration at certain frequencies to the teeth to
speed up movement, he added, "As orthodontists, we have studied all of these
characteristics extensively with the exception of frequency - until now. A
device that delivers forces with rapidly oscillating frequencies leads us to
a new area of clinical application." Dr. Mao currently serves as the Director
of the Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Laboratory
( and Professor at the Columbia University
College of Dental Medicine ( in New York.

OrthoAccel is presently controlling availability of AcceleDent in the
United Kingdom to a select group of orthodontic specialists before a broader
release in October 2010.

About OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc.

Based in Houston, Texas, OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc. is a privately
owned medical device company currently engaged in the development,
manufacturing, and marketing of products to enhance dental care and
orthodontic treatment.

About the AcceleDent System

AcceleDent represents the first clinical approach to safely accelerate
orthodontic tooth movement via modulating biology. The device has been
studied clinically and applies gentle pulsing forces in combination with
standard orthodontics to move teeth faster through accelerated bone
remodeling. Importantly, the device works complementary with all existing
orthodontic technologies. AcceleDent is neither FDA cleared nor FDA approved;
it is currently investigational only in the United States. More information
can be found at or requested via

    Media Contact      Michael K. Lowe,      CEO +1-832-631-1659

Michael K. Lowe, CEO of OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc., +1-832-631-1659

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