Sheikh's Jaber's Recent Environment Initiatives Praised
By Al Madar, PRNESaturday, February 12, 2011
KUWAIT CITY, February 13, 2011 - Environmental initiatives supported by Sheikh Jaber
( were
praised in opinion column appearing in Al Qabas, a prominent Kuwaiti
newspaper. The article, "For a Better Kuwait,"
( called for a stepped-up
effort to move towards an environmentally-friendly Kuwaiti society, such as
those supported by Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Environment, First
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak
Al-Sabah. (
The article's text reads as follows:
"For a Better Kuwait" (
By: Mazeed Mubarak Al Moasharji
Living sustainably is the world's next great challenge. However, inciting
a widespread cultural shift to become an eco-friendly society will be an
international effort. Nations around the world are sounding the call to take
these important measures in hopes of preserving our environment. Our country
has a rare opportunity to help lead the charge for sustainability in the Gulf
and the greater Arab world, but we must do more to take this stand.
Conveying a modern approach to sustainable thinking requires a stepped up
effort of our government to take part in the process. Chairman of the Supreme
Council of the Environment, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Defence Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah
( has
already staked a claim in leading Kuwait's environmental effort.
The REUSE 4.0 Exposition,
( under the
patronage of Sheikh Jaber, brought premier creative sustainable thinking
practices and ideas to Kuwait. It showcased a modern blend of eco-conscious
art, music, and technology. Complete with mixed media installations, trendy
eco- fashion goods and other game changing sustainable products, the
Exposition showed Kuwaitis the endless possibilities and benefits of making
this cultural shift toward sustainable living.
Under Sheikh Jaber's leadership, Kuwait also hosted the GCC's committees
on wildlife natural habitat protection and environmental coordination
committee for a series of events and meetings in October. In that time,
senior environmental officials throughout the GCC met to discuss critical
issues like climate change and its potential impact on the region. Raising
these important issues and fostering healthy dialogue with our neighbors is
the first of many important steps needed to affect positive change on
environmental issues.
With an eye on the environment, Kuwait can tap into a dynamic emerging
industry to concurrently deliver on development and growth goals. Investing
in sustainable projects can spur a period of renewed entrepreneurialism and
industry in our own economy. The benefits of sustainability are comprehensive
and beyond monetary returns, sustainable collaboration could become a
platform that ensures national stability.
Kuwaitis should collectively reaffirm a commitment to the environment. In
doing so, it offers new opportunities for our government to work with the
public towards positive, mutually shared goals. As we remember the history
and achievements of our beautiful country throughout this celebrated month,
let us remember to respect our environment, and encourage others to do the
This has been issued by Al Madar. For more information, visit
Hani Megahed, +965-2266-6008
Tags: Al Madar, February 13, Kuwait, Kuwait city