High-Tech Bridge Joins OWASP as Supporter Organization
By High-tech Bridge Sa, PRNETuesday, October 18, 2011
GENEVA, October 19, 2011 -
High-Tech Bridge SA, a leading Swiss information security company, is proud to announce that it joins Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) as a Supporter Organization. As a Supporter Organization, High-Tech Bridge will have a collective voice via the OWASP Global Industry Committee (GIC). The Committee shall expand awareness and promote the inclusion of software security best practices in Industry, Government, Academia as well as regulatory agencies, and be a voice for industry. High-Tech Bridge will also have a supporting member vote in elections and on issues that shape the direction of the OWASP community.
Frederic Bourla, head of High-Tech Bridge’s Ethical Hacking department, says, “Today vulnerable web applications represent one of the biggest risks for the majority of businesses. Our practice in computer forensics shows that at least 60% of remote intrusions start with web application compromise. OWASP Project has a number of valuable tools and documents aimed to improve security of web applications that we use during penetration tests. OWASP is a perfect example of non-profit community that significantly improves global information security, and at High-Tech Bridge we are glad to be able to support OWASP by available means.”
About High-Tech Bridge
High-Tech Bridge SA is a leading Swiss information security company, based in Geneva. Core expertise of High-Tech Bridge is penetration testing and computer forensics. Vendor and product neutral approach, internal Research & Development department assure the highest quality of High-Tech Bridge security services.
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The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. OWASP mission is to make application security visible, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. More information can be found at: www.owasp.org
Mr. Sebastien Flaccavento
Tel: +41-22-560-68-43
Email: press@htbridge.ch
Website: https://www.htbridge.ch/
Tags: Facebook, Geneva, High-tech Bridge Sa, October 19, Switzerland, YouTube