DALLAS, February 17, 2011 - According to a new market research report, 'World Mobile phone & Smartphone Market (2010 - 2015)', published by MarketsandMarkets (www.marketsandmarkets.com), the total global mobile handset market is expected to reach US$341.4 billion by 2015 while smartphone sales will account for 75.8% of the overall mobile handset revenue at US$258.9 billion in the same year. Apple is expected to lead the growth till 2015 commanding largest share of the overall mobile handset revenue with 25.8% market share while Nokia will be at the second place with 21% market share. The global smartphone market is expected to register higher CAGR (24.9%) as compared to overall mobile handset market (14.7%) during 2010 and 2015.
OmniCompete Announces Unique Energy Storage Research Funding Opportunity LONDON, February 17, 2011 - OmniCompete has launched the multi-million Dollar Energy Storage Challenge (ESC) in a bid to identify, fund and reward new transportable energy storage systems.
Tuesday 1st March, 10.00-10.45, Keynote Theatre, TFM&A LONDON, February 17, 2011 - Exclusively at TFM&A and OA&A Expo, hear Google's uniquely positioned insight into why the mobile platform is becoming the most valuable tool a marketer has to reach a consumer. Senior Industry Manager from Google, Nic Cumisky will be speaking exclusively on topics including:
Turkcell's MobilKod offers value-added services for marketers that want to connect consumers to brand experiences in the online world.
New Capability Enables Consumers to Use Any QR Code Scanning Application* or Their Phone's Camera to Easily Interact and Receive Multimedia Content
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