UPDATE: Bollywood Star Akshay Kumar Carries the Olympic Flame and Meets With Media in Toronto Dec. 17
By Canadian Tourism Commission, PRNETuesday, December 15, 2009
TORONTO, December 16 - Akshay Kumar, Indian superstar of more than 120 films, is heading to
"Bollywood North" to run with the Olympic Flame in Toronto on Dec. 17. Prior
to his run, Mr. Kumar will meet with media.
Call-in details and satellite feed information are now available.
Location: The Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7 and 8 100 Front Street West Toronto, ON Date: Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009 Time: 3:00 p.m. Call-in details: 416-340-2216 (Toronto and international calls) 866-226-1792 (Toll-free in North America) Please call in at 2:45 p.m. and quote "Akshay Kumar press conference" Media are asked to RSVP to Jitka Licenik and to bring identification. Satellite feed: A satellite feed of Kumar's torch run and Toronto tourism experiences will be available at 10:30 p.m. EST on Dec. 17. North America: India: Europe: Anik F2C/3B IS-10/16C Slot E T11N/K18 D03 Up: 6045 H Europe -> India Space North America -> Europe Dwn: 3820 V Up: 6156.5 V Space C-Band Dwn: 3931.5 V Up: 14015.5 H MHz: 36 Analog C-Band Dwn: 12515.5 V Audio's: 6.8 & 6.2 MHz: 9 KU-Band Standard Definition FEC: 3/4 MHz: 9 NTSC Format Symbol Rate: 5.632 FEC: 3/4 Standard Definition Symbol Rate: 5.632 PAL Format Carrier ID # 110263 Standard Definition PAL Format
Akshay Kumar is an international torchbearer with the Vancouver 2010
Olympic Torch Relay, presented by Coca-Cola and RBC and supported by the
Government of Canada. He will be running on Yonge St. between Gloucester St.
and Breadalbane St. at approximately 6:10 p.m.
Photos of Kumar's torch run and Toronto tourism experiences will be
available shortly after his run time at:
Footage will also be available at CTC's Video Portal website at 11:00
a.m. on Dec. 18: ctc.pathfireondemand.com/main.action
For further information: Jitka Licenik, Corporate Communications Advisor,
Canadian Tourism Commission, Tel: +1(604)638-2482, Cell: +1(604)377-4574,
licenik.jitka@ctc-cct.ca, www.mediacentre.canada.travel; Kathryn
Hanley, Hill & Knowlton, Tel: +1(416)413-4754, Cell: +1(416)884-5857,
Kathryn.hanley@hillandknowlton.ca; Nina Kalos, Hill & Knowlton, Tel:
+1(416)413-4642, Cell: +1(416)727-0642, nina.kalos@hillandknowlton.ca
For further information: Jitka Licenik, Corporate Communications Advisor, Canadian Tourism Commission, Tel: +1(604)638-2482, Cell: +1(604)377-4574, licenik.jitka at ctc-cct.ca, www.mediacentre.canada.travel; Kathryn Hanley, Hill & Knowlton, Tel: +1(416)413-4754, Cell: +1(416)884-5857, Kathryn.hanley at hillandknowlton.ca; Nina Kalos, Hill & Knowlton, Tel: +1(416)413-4642, Cell: +1(416)727-0642, nina.kalos at hillandknowlton.ca
Tags: canada, Canadian Tourism Commission, India, Toronto