XBRL Filing Made Easier With the Release of SEC XBRL Mandate for Dummies(R)

By Clarity Systems Limited, PRNE
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Topical, Complex Subject Made Easier to Understand for Financial Reporting and General Audiences

TORONTO, March 29, 2010 - Clarity Systems, a leader in external reporting solutions, today
announced the launch of the Clarity Systems Limited Edition SEC XBRL Mandate
for Dummies guide. The book is designed to clearly and cleverly explain what
can be a daunting topic: the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission's phased-in mandate for filing SEC submissions in the XBRL format.

"By the middle of 2012, all domestic and foreign companies that are
publicly traded in the United States must provide their SEC filings using the
XBRL format, beginning with simple block tagging but progressing to more
complex 'detail' tagging of financial information, including footnotes and
schedules," said Mark Nashman, President & CTO, Clarity Systems.

To assist external reporting professionals tasked with quickly and
accurately assembling, tagging and filing their companies' external reports,
this excellent reference document explains the basics of XBRL and demystifies
the specifics of the SEC's mandate. Further, it reviews the various options
for implementing XBRL tagging, including outsourcing to service providers;
bolting on XBRL tagging engines and the deployment of an integrated XBRL
solution. The guide ends with a comprehensive 'checklist' of features to look
for in an integrated XBRL filing solution.

Copies of the book are available online by visiting
www.claritysystems.com/secmandatefordummies or by request to
rjordan(at)claritysystems.com. Attendees to Clarity System's user conference,
Vision:10 (www.claritysystems.com/vision) will also receive a free
copy of the book.

About Clarity Systems

Clarity Systems delivers software solutions to the Office of Finance. Our
software helps large and mid-market organizations around the world improve
their budgeting, planning, consolidations, scorecarding and management
reporting processes, and also automates their external reporting processes to
support the production of regulatory and statutory reports. Our unified
applications help CFOs reduce risk while simultaneously improving operational
efficiency. For more information, please visit our website at
www.claritysystems.com or call us at 1-877-410-5070.

For further information: Dave Paolini, Communications Manager, Clarity
Systems Limited, +1-647-242-1184, dpaolini@claritysystems.com

For further information: Dave Paolini, Communications Manager, Clarity Systems Limited, +1-647-242-1184, dpaolini at claritysystems.com

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