Canadian First Nations at COP 15 Roll Out the Welcome Mat for Stephen Harper in Rally at Canadian Embassy

By Council Of Canadians, PRNE
Sunday, December 13, 2009

COPENHAGEN, December 14 - PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES: Indigenous Peoples Ceremony, Oily Footprints,
Welcome Mat, Giant Banner, Rally and Gift Basket Delivery to Canadian

"Harper: Climate Commitments (equal sign) Shut Down Tar Sands"

Photos and Video: Coming soon at

Indigenous Peoples of Canada and their allies from around the world are
in Copenhagen for the UN summit on climate change.

Today they rolled out the "welcome mat" for Prime Minister Stephen
at the Canadian Embassy in Copenhagen.

This action was part of a global day of action against the Canadian
tar sands.

The tar sands are the largest and most carbon intensive industrial
project on the planet.

Indigenous leaders of communities impacted by the tar sands and allied
campaigners contend that Canada hasn't kept Kyoto commitments and hasn't
ratified the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
because of the half-trillion dollar investments the massive tar sands
development represents.

In a gesture of hospitality for the Prime Minister and an act of
solidarity with communities directly impacted by the tar sands, Indigenous
representatives and their allies delivered a gift basket full of Treaties
for Prime Minister Harper to honor and/or sign in Copenhagen.

These included important documents such as the Kyoto Protocol, First
Nations Treaties and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

"As Indigenous People, we are here at the international climate
negotiations to speak about threats to our cultural survival and the direct
life-threatening impacts of climate change in our communities," said
Clayton Thomas Muller, Tar Sands Campaigner of the Indigenous Environmental

"Canada has been blocking the climate negotiations and hasn't
kept Kyoto commitments or ratified the UNDRIP because of the tar sands."

"Fossil fuel extraction from the tar sands are killing our people with
cancer, killing our culture by destroying our traditional lands, and
killing our planet with CO2," said Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, member of the
Athbasca Chipewyan First Nation and Tar Sands Campaigner for the Rainforest
Action Network.

"It seems that Canada is more committed to fossil fuels than human
rights or real action for the climate. Mr. Harper - We welcome you to
Copenhagen because we want real action on climate, and that means shutting
down the tar sands and a moratorium on new fossil fuel development."

"The tar sands are a key reason why Canada has failed to take climate
action. In the same timeframe that Harper promises to cut Canada's
emissions a paltry 3 per cent, tar sands emissions are expected to triple,"
said Maude Barlow, national chairperson of the Council of Canadians.

Today's action is part of a global day of action organized by a
coalition of groups including: Indigenous Environmental Network, Rainforest
Action Network, Council of Canadians, Indigenous Peoples Power Project, and
UK Tar Sands Group.

Actions are occurring in tandem with the Copenhagen events in London
(UK), Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver and all across North America.

About Indigenous Environmental Network: Indigenous Peoples empowering
Indigenous Nations and communities towards sustainable livelihoods,
demanding environmental justice and maintaining the Sacred Fire of our

The Indigenous Environmental Network is in Copenhagen for the duration
of COP 15.

Copenhagen Media Line: +45-526-85596

For further information: Contact: Clayton Thomas-Muller, Indigenous
Environmental Network, +45 52685598,; Eriel Deranger, Rainforest
Action Network, +45-50119390,; Brent Patterson,
Council of Canadians, +1-613-882-4408 (mobile in Copenhagen),; Jess Worth, UK Tar Sands Campaign,

For further information: Contact: Clayton Thomas-Muller, Indigenous Environmental Network, +45 52685598, at; Eriel Deranger, Rainforest
Action Network, +45-50119390, ederanger at; Brent Patterson, Council of Canadians, +1-613-882-4408 (mobile in Copenhagen), bpatterson at; Jess Worth, UK Tar Sands Campaign, +44-07946645726, jess at

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