The National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) Approves the Use of Radiofrequency Ablation for Treatment of Barrett's Esophagus

By Barrx Medical Inc., PRNE
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Interventional Procedures (IPAC) Guidelines from NICE in the UK include Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) for eradication of high grade dysplasia in patients with Barrett's Esophagus.

SUNNYVALE, California, June 28, 2010 - BARRX Medical Inc., a world leader in products to treat pre-cancerous
tissue in the esophagus, reported today that the National Institute for
Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom has published new
guidelines approving the use of radiofrequency ablation for the eradication
of dysplastic Barrett's esophagus.

Barrett's esophagus is a precancerous condition that affects over 6.6
million people around the world and is caused by chronic acid reflux
otherwise known as GERD. In some patients, Barrett's esophagus may progress
to cancer of the esophagus known as adenocarcinoma. BARRX Medical markets the
HALO radiofrequency ablation system that allows physicians to safely remove
the diseased Barrett's tissue so that new healthy tissue can grow back in its
place. In clinical studies, treatment with the HALO System has been
demonstrated to eliminate Barrett's esophagus in over 90 percent of patients.

"The UK has one of the highest concentrations of Barrett's esophagus in
the world. Until now, esophagectomy (a surgical procedure to remove the
patient's esophagus) has been the standard of care," noted Dr. Laurence
, Senior Lecturer and Consultant Gastroenterologist at the University
College Medical School, London. The first to use RFA in the UK, Dr. Lovat
added, "We think radiofrequency ablation will play an important role in the
endoscopic management of our patients."

Greg Barrett, President and Chief Executive Officer at BARRX said, "NICE
represents one of the most rigorous health technology assessment groups in
the world. We are pleased that their guidance supports the use of
radiofrequency ablation for patients with this particularly high risk

Dr. Paul Salmon, Trustee (and former Chair) of the Barrett's Oesophagus
Campaign stated, "Barrett's represents one of the fastest growing and most
deadly forms of cancer in the UK and is set to treble in the next decade. We
are pleased to see NICE has identified radiofrequency ablation as an
important tool in the fight against this disease."

About BARRX Medical, Inc.

BARRX Medical, Inc. develops treatment solutions for Barrett's esophagus
and other chronic gastroenterological diseases. Barrett's is a precancerous
condition of the lining of the esophagus (swallowing tube) caused by
gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. The company's HALO ablation systems
provide a uniform and controlled ablation effect, which removes diseased
tissue and allows re-growth of normal cells. There have been over 50,000
procedures of radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's eradication performed
around the world.

A multi-center randomized, sham-controlled study, published in the New
England Journal of Medicine, studied HALO radiofrequency ablation applied in
the highest risk Barrett's population (those having dysplasia). The ablation
group had a high rate of complete eradication of dysplasia and intestinal
metaplasia and significantly decreased the rate of disease progression and
cancer development, as compared to the control group. In another study
(AIM-II) published in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 98.4 percent of patients
were Barrett's-free after two and a half years of follow-up.

Additional information is available at

About NICE and the Interventional Procedures (IP) Program

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is the
independent organization of the UK's National Health Service responsible for
providing national guidance on the promotion of good health and the
prevention and treatment of ill health.

Assessment of the efficacy and safety of interventional procedures is
carried out by NICE's Interventional Procedures (IP) Program. NICE's IP
Program assesses the efficacy and safety of interventional procedures, with
the aim of protecting patients and helping clinicians, healthcare
organizations and the NHS to introduce procedures appropriately. By reviewing
evidence, consulting widely, facilitating data collection and analysis, and
providing guidance on the efficacy and safety of interventions, the Program
enables clinical innovation to be conducted responsibly.

media, Kevin Knight, +1-972-385-9384, cell, +1-214-732-9392, kmcinc at; or Gregory A. Barrett of BARRX Medical, Inc., +1-408-328-7308 , gbarrett at

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