Affordable Housing Key for Economic Development in Middle East
By Iqpc Middle East, PRNEMonday, March 22, 2010
DUBAI, UAE, March 23, 2010 - His Excellency Shaikh Ebrahim bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa, Minister of Housing
of the Kingdom of Bahrain, has given affordable housing initiatives in the
Middle East region a boost by confirming his official patronage of the Middle
East Affordable Housing Development Summit.–middle-east-affordabl
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The region's leading high-level strategic congress focused on affordable
housing development will be held on the 26th-29th September in Manama with
the participation of ministries, government agencies and global development
experts from the world's leading public and private organisations.
Symon Rubens, Managing Director, International Quality & Productivity
Centre - the global provider of tailored, industry-driven conferences - said,
"The four day summit will showcase high-level keynote presentations,
interactive panel sessions and key international case studies that address
the challenges of implementing and designing affordable housing programmes
and developments."
Topics to be covered include the role of governments and the private
sector in addressing housing challenges, an exploration of partnership models
and financing, project development and management, sustainability, design,
preservation and community building.
"The summit will provide the forum for government bodies to connect with
private developers, financing experts and to gather critical information from
international leaders who have successfully implemented affordable housing
initiatives," said Mr. Rubens.
Under the direction and patronage of H.E. Shaikh Ebrahim bin Khalifa
Al-Khalifa, delegates will be addressed by ministries, government agencies
and leading development firms, including the Ministry of Public Works and
Housing of Jordan, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Morocco, the
Ministry of Investment of Egypt, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Housing
Development Administration, Deyaar, Sorouh, Atkins and Mott MacDonald.
Anthony J Permal +971-43642975
Anthony J Permal, +971-43642975, Anthony.permal at
Tags: Dubai, IQPC Middle East, March 23, Middle East, uae