MultiVu Digital Center Feed: Secretary Clinton Says the Sooner Israel and Palestine Engage in Direct Negotiations the Sooner They Can Make Decisions; Adds U.S. is Grateful for Jordan's Participation in Arab Peace Initiative

By U.s. Department Of State, PRNE
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WASHINGTON, July 8, 2010 - FORMAT: (2) Soundbites & (1) B Roll.

STORY SUMMARY: Secretary of State Clinton remarks on shared interests for
direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians during her Joint
Press Availability with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh



Soundbite #1) Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Summary: Secretary of State Clinton and Jordanian FM Judeh both believe
that direct talks are in the best interest to all parties, the Region and the
World. The final solution should be based on the 1967 lines, agreed swaps,
and goal of Jewish recognized state with secured and recognized boarders
reaching an agreement on the permanent status issues.

1) Secretary Clinton IN: "The foreign minister and I discussed the
ongoing talks and we both believe that moving to direct talks as soon as
possible is in the interest of Israelis, Palestinians, the region and the
world. We believe that through good-faith negotiations, the parties can
mutually agree on an outcome that ends the conflict and reconciles the
Palestinian goal of an independent, viable, and contiguous state, based on
the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish state
with secure and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments and
meet Israeli security requirements. So we continue to encourage the parties
to move toward negotiations to reach an agreement on the permanent status
issues. Jordan has been an active participant in the Arab Peace Initiative
and we're very grateful for not only that His Majesty and his government do
on behalf of these regional and global issues, but in Afghanistan, in the
search for a greater understanding among people, in education, healthcare,
water, border security, good governance, and so much more. There's a broad
and deep partnership. And we very much appreciate that partnership and
friendship." OUT (RT-1:25)

Soundbite #2) Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Summary: Secretary of State Clinton urges that the issues that need to be
resolved must be completed through direct negotiations between the Israelis
and Palestinians and when that begins decisions can be made in a timely

2) Secretary Clinton IN: "Well, we believe that all the issues that need
to be resolved between the parties must be discussed in direct negotiations.
The sooner that the Israelis and Palestinians give into direct negotiations,
the sooner they can actually make decisions. That's the way it's worked in
the past. That is the only way it can work today. And it's very clear from
what the United States has said and done that we continue to urge the parties
to get into direct negotiations as soon as possible. And I'm hopeful that
that will be agreed to and that direct negotiations can start in a timely
manner." OUT (RT-:52)

B Roll #1 - Entrance to podium - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
and His Excellency Nasser Judeh, Foreign Minister of The Hashemite
Kingdom Of Jordan. (RT-35)

TRT: 3:03

VIDEO PROVIDED BY: U.S. Department of Defense and Department of State


Ken Richards, +1-202-647-6251, richardskn at

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